The 4 Best Home Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments

Are you currently dealing with bacterial vaginosis? If your discharge is strange, you’re itchy and emit a strange odour, you might have it. It’s an infection of your vagina, which is due to too much bacteria.

A healthy vagina has both good and bad bacteria; when bacterial vaginosis exists, there are too many bad bacteria. As a result, homeostasis is thrown off, and your vaginal environment is compromised.

All women at some point in time will likely get bacterial vaginosis. It’s not an overly serious issue, but it should still be addressed promptly when the issue arises.  

Keep reading below if you want to learn about 4 bacterial vaginosis treatment options available to you, all of which are home-based options.


1. Boric Acid

If you want to treat your bacterial vaginosis with a home-based solution, try boric acid. A study found that intravaginal boric acid, when used with antimicrobial therapy, was successfully able to treat bacterial vaginosis. Boric acid comes in vaginal capsules; don’t eat them, insert them.


2. Yoghurt 

If you want to use a natural product to remedy your bacterial vaginosis, then try using yoghurt. The healthy bacteria within the natural probiotic will combat the bad bacteria, encouraging a healthy vaginal environment. It’s recommended that you consume a single serving daily. 


3. Hydrogen Peroxide

One of the simpler, cost-effective options available is to use basic hydrogen peroxide. Did you know that a study from 2003 found that it can help alleviate bacterial vaginosis? In the study, they used 1 ounce every day for an entire week. There’s also minimal risk of side effects too.


4. Tea Tree Oil

Another home-based option for treating bacterial vaginosis is tea tree oil: a powerful essential oil that fights bacteria and fungus. Studies have shown that tea tree oil can help treat bacterial vaginosis, although more is needed to be conclusive.

If you plan to use tea tree oil, you’ll need to dilute it with olive oil, or another similar carrier oil. Make sure you aren’t allergic to the carrier oil that you decide to use. The ratio of tea tree oil to carrier oil should be anywhere between 5:1, all the way to 10:1.

You must mix your tea tree oil with carrier oil first. If you don’t, you can damage your skin from burns; lots of individuals have an allergy response to tea tree oil.

Before applying the mixed tea tree oil to your vaginal tissue, test it somewhere else on your body. You must observe how your skin responds to the essential oil; wait 2 days to see if any problems arise. If you’re all good after 48 hours, then apply it to your affected vaginal tissue.

For easy application, soak a tampon in the mixed tea tree oil, then insert it. You should keep it inside your vagina for about an hour before you remove it. If it causes any irritation of your vaginal tissues, remove it immediately.

Simply repeat this 2 to 3 times per day, but make sure you don’t sleep with it inserted in your vagina.