The 4 Best Home Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments

Are you currently dealing with bacterial vaginosis? If your discharge is strange, you’re itchy and emit a strange odour, you might have it. It’s an infection of your vagina, which is due to too much bacteria.

A healthy vagina has both good and bad bacteria; when bacterial vaginosis exists, there are too many bad bacteria. As a result, homeostasis is thrown off, and your vaginal environment is compromised.

All women at some point in time will likely get bacterial vaginosis. It’s not an overly serious issue, but it should still be addressed promptly when the issue arises.  

Keep reading below if you want to learn about 4 bacterial vaginosis treatment options available to you, all of which are home-based options.


1. Boric Acid

If you want to treat your bacterial vaginosis with a home-based solution, try boric acid. A study found that intravaginal boric acid, when used with antimicrobial therapy, was successfully able to treat bacterial vaginosis. Boric acid comes in vaginal capsules; don’t eat them, insert them.


2. Yoghurt 

If you want to use a natural product to remedy your bacterial vaginosis, then try using yoghurt. The healthy bacteria within the natural probiotic will combat the bad bacteria, encouraging a healthy vaginal environment. It’s recommended that you consume a single serving daily. 


3. Hydrogen Peroxide

One of the simpler, cost-effective options available is to use basic hydrogen peroxide. Did you know that a study from 2003 found that it can help alleviate bacterial vaginosis? In the study, they used 1 ounce every day for an entire week. There’s also minimal risk of side effects too.


4. Tea Tree Oil

Another home-based option for treating bacterial vaginosis is tea tree oil: a powerful essential oil that fights bacteria and fungus. Studies have shown that tea tree oil can help treat bacterial vaginosis, although more is needed to be conclusive.

If you plan to use tea tree oil, you’ll need to dilute it with olive oil, or another similar carrier oil. Make sure you aren’t allergic to the carrier oil that you decide to use. The ratio of tea tree oil to carrier oil should be anywhere between 5:1, all the way to 10:1.

You must mix your tea tree oil with carrier oil first. If you don’t, you can damage your skin from burns; lots of individuals have an allergy response to tea tree oil.

Before applying the mixed tea tree oil to your vaginal tissue, test it somewhere else on your body. You must observe how your skin responds to the essential oil; wait 2 days to see if any problems arise. If you’re all good after 48 hours, then apply it to your affected vaginal tissue.

For easy application, soak a tampon in the mixed tea tree oil, then insert it. You should keep it inside your vagina for about an hour before you remove it. If it causes any irritation of your vaginal tissues, remove it immediately.

Simply repeat this 2 to 3 times per day, but make sure you don’t sleep with it inserted in your vagina.

5 Things That Should be in Your Travel Health Kit

The way we travel has changed so much over the years. Instead of just worrying about our passport and luggage, we also now need to pack a travel health kit to make sure that we stay safe while we’re on the road. Aside from masks, alcohol, and wipes, here are five necessities that you should have in your kit:


  • Prescription medications. If you or any of your companions have prescription medications, it’s vital to pack enough to last for your entire trip. You’re not sure if these medicines are available in your destination or how much they cost, so it’s best to have them on hand.


  • Emergency medications. Aside from your prescription medications, it’s also smart to have some emergency medications handy. You need Esomeprazole tablets for heartburns, antihistamines for allergies, antacids for acid reflux, decongestants for colds, fever and pain medicines, cough drops, and some sleep aid if you ever get jet lag. You could also invest in some inhalers and EpiPens, especially if you’re travelling with someone who has allergies.


  • First-aid supplies. You’ll never know when you or someone else gets injured while on the road, so it’s important to pack some essentials that will allow you to administer first aid in case accidents happen. These include antibacterial wipes, antibacterial ointments, a digital thermometer, antiseptic wound cleanser, aloe gel, disposable gloves, bandages, cotton swabs, and eye drops. 


  • Prevention supplies. A lot of things can happen when you’re travelling, which is why it’s also crucial to pack some supplies to help prevent illnesses and injury. For instance, you can pack some vitamins and supplements to last your entire trip. You should also have some insect repellent, sunscreen, earplugs, and know some basic water purification methods, especially when travelling with kids.


  • Documents. Aside from the essentials, you also need to pack some very important documents as part of your travel health kit in case you’ll need them while you’re on the road. For one, you need copies of your passport and travel documents, copies of all your prescriptions, health insurance cards, contact card with your complete address, email address, phone numbers, and family member in your home country, proof of yellow fever vaccination, contact numbers of emergency services, clinics and hospitals in your destination and the consulate or embassy of your country. 


So many things can happen during your trip, so it’s best to be prepared all the time. Having a travel health kit gives you more peace of mind knowing that you will have something to use in case of any emergencies while you’re on the road. 


Make sure to pack this kit properly and do your inventory after every trip, so you can replenish stocks that have been used up during your trip. This way, you can easily grab and pack your travel health kit whenever you need it and not have to worry about anything but having fun while you’re on the road.

5 Health Goals to Embrace in 2022

As the year is about to end, it’s time to not only evaluate what you’ve accomplished for 2021 but also look forward to what you can do to improve your wellbeing in 2022. With almost two years since the pandemic, being healthier is now more important than ever and here are five simple health goals that you can embrace to welcome the new year:


1. Nourish your mind and body.

Keeping yourself healthy isn’t just about eating well and going to the gym regularly. With mental health taking a big toll on many people’s lives because of the pandemic, wellness has now been re-defined to include the mind in taking care of the body. So, what can you do to nourish both? It’s simple: practice the art of yoga. Get yourself motivated to embrace this lifestyle by investing in one of those eco yoga mats NZ that are not only sturdy and efficient but also eco-friendly.


2. Cook your food.

Are you one of those who constantly eat out or have takeaways? Make 2022 your year of using the kitchen more and cooking your food. If you want to be healthier, you have to start by knowing what you’re putting into your body. When you cook at home, you know exactly what your ingredients are and how the dish is prepared. This allows you more control of what you eat without sacrificing flavour.


3. Go slow on the alcohol.

While it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself to a cocktail now and then, drinking too much alcohol can destroy your body in so many ways. So, if you want to change things up, try to drink less alcohol, and you’ll surely see how it can help improve your skin, boost your immune system and even improve your mood. Of course, there’s the benefit of saving a lot of money from buying those cocktails.


4. Learn how to walk.

With all the convenience of transportation, it seems like walking has become a lost art. But don’t give up on it just yet because walking can actually help you burn calories, boost your energy, and just let you live a better life. So, the next time you go to the office, make sure that you take the stairs, or if you’re working nearby, ditch the car and just walk to work. 


5. Be kind to yourself.

Finally, it’s not uncommon for us to be too hard on ourselves sometimes, especially when we feel a lot of pressure to keep up with the world around us. But after surviving a pandemic and all its struggles, it’s time for you to be kind to yourself. Put down that phone at night to enjoy a good sleep, plan a holiday, and take a break. 


You work so hard that you sometimes forget that you also need to relax. Treat yourself because you deserve it more than anyone. Doing so will help you recharge and get better focus for the days ahead.

5 Warning Signs of a Heart Attack That You Shouldn’t Ignore

At least 170,000 people in New Zealand live with heart disease, making it one of the most common chronic conditions in the country and the leading cause of death, with 1 in 3 deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. 


A New Zealander dies from heart disease every 90 minutesa highly alarming rate for a country that’s known to live a healthy lifestyle.


Unfortunately, a heart attack can happen to anyone at any time, but here are five warning signs that you can look out for:


  • Pain that spreads to the arm. Pain that radiates to the left side of the body is a classic sign of an impending heart attack. Some patients only report pain on the left arm that turns out to be a heart attack.


  • Stomach pain, indigestion, or heartburn. Women are more likely to report these symptoms than men. Although an upset stomach and indigestion can be a sign of other health problems, they can also be a warning sign of a heart attack. So, if you’re at a higher risk for a heart attack and you experience stomach pain, you need to seek consultation right away to rule out the possibility of an attack.


  • Chest discomfort. Chest discomfort is the most common sign of an impending heart attack. Although it’s not uncommon to experience chest pain and discomfort when tired or stressed, you need to seek consultation right away if this lasts for more than a few minutes, especially if it’s not relieved with rest. Chest discomfort due to an impending heart attack is also described as a squeezing or uncomfortable pressure on the chest area.


  • Lightheadedness. Dizziness or lightheadedness alone may not instantly be a sign of an impending heart attack. But when it is accompanied by other signs, such as shortness of breath or chest discomfort, you need to notify your doctor right away because it could mean that your blood pressure has dropped due to your heart’s inability to pump blood efficiently to the whole body.


  • Loud snoring. A little snoring isn’t exactly a sign of an impending heart attack. Some people even have problems with snoring alone, and that could be addressed with medication and some treatments. But if someone snores loudly (sounds like they’re gasping for air or choking), that could be a sign of an impending heart attack triggered by sleep apnea. This should prompt anyone to go to the doctor right away to rule out the possibility of a heart attack.


There’s so much that you can do to prevent an impending heart attack, and that includes taking the right medication like Cartia, which has been proven to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack in adults. It’s considered one of the top-selling, low-dose Aspirin in pharmacies all over New Zealand. But most importantly, it pays to live a healthy lifestyle that will allow you to enjoy your life for a longer time.


Understanding the Four Common Ailments in Infants and Newborns

Babies are such fragile human beings. Since they’re still adjusting to life outside the womb and their bodies are still developing fully, they are more sensitive than the rest of us, which also makes them more prone to these common ailments that you should prepare for as a parent:


  • Colic

You have a healthy baby that suddenly cries for no reason. As a parent, this could easily get you worried that something serious is wrong with your child. But it can also just be colic, a common ailment in babies that continues to baffle doctors. It’s not a sign of a serious medical condition. However, colic causes a lot of pain and discomfort to a child. When this happens, it’s important to see what triggered the colic and avoid that right away. You can also ask your doctor for advice on what foods to avoid if you’re breastfeeding your baby.


  • Diaper rash

Children react differently to the diapers they use, which is why choosing the right diapers involves a lot of trial and error. But diaper rash can also be caused by heat and infrequently changed diapers. This could result in inflamed skin commonly on the baby’s bottom. To keep this from happening, you need to change your baby’s diapers frequently or air-dry now and then. It also helps to have some diaper rash ointment on hand to treat the rashes before they get worse. 


  • Constipation

Unlike adults, some babies can move their bowels longer, so it’s normal for them to go days without a bowel movement. There are times, however, when a baby gets constipated, especially if he’s just starting to eat solids and his digestive system is still adjusting. Fortunately, you can now buy constipation remedies to help relieve that discomfort and pain and aid the baby’s bowel movement. 


  • Ear infections

Ear infections can happen out of nowhere, and babies are some of the most vulnerable for them. What’s worse is that when an ear infection is left untreated, it could lead to permanent damage and hearing loss for your baby. Aside from finding ways to prevent ear infections like washing your hands constantly, avoiding second-hand smoke, and breastfeeding your baby exclusively for the first six months of life, it also helps to be vigilant about a possible ear infection, especially with your baby and consult a doctor right away. You should also vaccinate your child with a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine at the right time to protect him against different types of pneumococcal bacteria that usually cause ear infections.


Since babies can only express their feelings through crying, it’s crucial to watch out for signs that they may be feeling discomfort, pain, or any other ailment so you can address them right away. It also helps to learn all about the common remedies that you can do for these common ailments and to stock up on medications that your baby might need.


The Five Medicines to Stock Up If You Have Children at Home

These days, it is a must to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet, especially if you have children at home. Since illnesses and injuries are inevitable with the young, you need to be prepared for them by having these five medicines on stock all the time:


Wound care

Kids easily get hurt and bruised, so it’s vital to have some wound care basics in your medicine cabinet. Petroleum jelly tops the list because it can do the job of treating diaper rash and eczema or just helping with dry skin, especially during the summer. It also helps to have some hydrocortisone and antibiotic ointment for skin irritations, burns, scratches and cuts.

Pain medications

Pain relievers are another essential to any medicine cabinet if you have a child, and some pain medications can also treat fever. If you have younger kids at home, it is best to have liquid paracetamol on hand all the time. You also need to stock up on pain relievers for older children and adults since fever and pain are common ailments at home.


Kids and even adults can easily get heartburn and indigestion because of their very diverse diets. It’s important to have some antacids like magnesium hydroxide and magnesium trisilicate on hand that can help neutralise the acid in your stomach. You can also ask your doctor for prescription antacids if you have family members who need to use them regularly or those with digestive problems.


These medications are essential, especially if you have kids with allergies. Antihistamines are great for easing the symptoms of allergies and hay fever like runny nose, sneezing, rashes and itching. They can also help reduce swelling and pain from bee stings. If your child has asthma or more serious allergies, it’s also best to have an EpiPen on hand in case of any adverse reactions. You can even ask your kids’ doctor for any recommended antihistamines based on their age.

Cold medications

Cough and colds could happen any time, especially when the weather is cold, and kids are the most prone to them. For starters, you’ll need cough and cold medications, but you should be careful about giving them to children under four years old. To be sure about proper dosage and timing, you should ask your pediatrician for advice. It’s also good to have menthol rub, honey and other cough and cold remedies handy in case one of your children gets them.


With such uncertain times, it’s always best to be prepared with the things that you need at home to make sure that you can address common ailments quickly. Stocking up will not only save you time and money since you won’t need to go out of the house, but it will also make things convenient for your household, especially these days when you can’t just go out to buy medications whenever you want to.


What Happens When a UTI Gets Complicated?

Urinary tract infections are some of the most common ailments among Australians, accounting for 1.2% of all general practice consultations. Although UTIs are fairly easy to treat, many people still choose to ignore the signs and symptoms thinking that they would go away on their own. 


Unfortunately, UTIs can progress to more serious complications when left untreated. Here’s what happens when a UTI gets complicated:

  • UTI in people with diabetes. According to studies, women with diabetes have a higher risk for UTI complications which is why it’s crucial to diagnose and treat UTIs right away before they progress into more serious kidney infections and even kidney failure in the long run.


  • Sepsis. If a UTI is left untreated, the infection could spread to the kidneys and even progress into a deadly infection of the blood called sepsis. This happens when the body’s natural defences cannot fight the severe infection anymore, causing the organs to shut down and eventually lead to death. Sepsis is one of the worst UTI complications, but those affected can prevent it with early diagnosis and prompt treatment.


  • Permanent kidney damage. A UTI can be treated easily, even when you’re at home. On the first signs of an infection, take medications that you can buy OTC. UTI tablets are effective in keeping the problem from getting worse. If you don’t do anything about it, the infection could cause long-term damage to your kidneys, leading to scarring, hypertension, and other complications. 


  • UTIs in men. Although men have a much lower risk of getting a UTI than women, an infection is usually a sign of a more serious problem like a urinary stone or enlarged prostate. A trip to the doctor is necessary if you’re experiencing one or more of the signs and symptoms of a UTI to rule out possible medical conditions. Long-term treatment is required for prostate-based infections, but you’ll have a better prognosis if you start treatment right away.


  • UTIs in pregnant women. It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to develop UTIs during their pregnancy. The infection should be treated right away to prevent serious complications to both the mother and baby, including the risk for premature birth, hypertension, anemia, and low birth weight. 


If you’re pregnant and you’ve been experiencing the signs and symptoms of UTI, make sure to have yourself checked as soon as possible to prevent the problem from getting worse.


While UTIs can lead to serious complications if not addressed right away, you can always stock up on some essential medications to ensure that you have them when someone at home experiences an infection. It’s also highly recommended to switch to a healthier lifestyle so that you can keep your kidneys healthy for a longer time. A good diet includes eating healthy, drinking lots of water, exercising regularly, and making sure that you avoid food and drinks that cause damage to your kidneys and urinary tract.

What Are the Best Anti-Diarrheal Drugs That Work Best?

An anti-diarrheal is a medicine used to slow down or stop loose stools. Over counter, Anti-Diarrheal Drugs are detected in most pharmacies or can be prescribed by a doctor. Antidiarrheals are used for acute conditions that are not life-threatening. Taking an anti-diarrheal drug will not treat the fundamental cause such as an inflammation or infection, but it can help with the uneasiness that comes from having repeated watery bowel movements.

Diarrhea occurs a few times a year for most adults and goes away on its own. Anti-diarrheal drugs are perhaps not required in these cases, particularly if the reason for the diarrhea is unknown. Consult with a physician about using a Diarrhea Tablet if it lasts more than a few days or if it causes dehydration. Before using an anti-diarrheal drug, people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should always consult a doctor.

Anti-Diarrheal Medications

Anti-diarrheal medications are generally not prescribed to treat inflammatory bowel disease since this does not treat the inflammation that causes diarrhea. Particularly, antidiarrheal medications in ulcerative colitis have been connected to a rare but serious condition known as toxic megacolon. It is less common in people with Crohn’s disease.

Anti-diarrheal drugs should be used who have inflammatory bowel disease under the supervision and direction of a gastroenterologist. People who have had J-Pouch Surgery can be recommended to use these Diarrhea Tablets, particularly during recovery from the final surgery once the J-Pouch is linked. Several people with J-Pouches can use anti-diarrheal drugs long-term, though others can use them just when required when they have too many bowel movements a day for a few reasons. Read our another article:

Types of Anti-Diarrheal Medications

Anti-diarrheal drugs are prepared from two key ingredients – Bismuth Subsalicylate and Loperamide. These anti-diarrheal drugs work in various ways.

1. Loperamide

Loperamide which can be bought without a prescription slows down the speed as well as a number of intestinal contractions that have the effect of slowing down diarrhea. Loperamide side effects can include abdominal pain, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. People who have these side effects may catch that they are unable to drive or perform other activities that need concentration while taking Loperamide.

If you have not used it before or are not used to taking it regularly, avoid driving as well as operating heavy machinery until you recognize how it affects you. Several people with J-Pouches use this Diarrhea Tablet regularly as well as may get a prescription from a doctor.

2. Bismuth Subsalicylate

Bismuth Subsalicylate found in Pepto-Bismol and Kaopectate is best known for treating an upset stomach. However, it works as an anti-diarrheal and anti-inflammatory as well as it can constrain the spread of certain strains of bacteria that cause diarrhea.

It works to slow diarrhea by decreasing the amount of water that enters the intestines. Pepto-Bismol side effects include black stools, constipation, or a black tongue. Pepto-Bismol overdoses can be risky, so do not double up the doses and just take the prescribed amount.

Last Words

Diarrhea that is accompanied by fever or goes on for more than several days, severe abdominal pain, blood, or pus in the stool is one reason to call a doctor immediately. Not being able to keep down any liquid or food is one more cause to look for immediate medical attention. Mostly, the bacteria will disappear from the body in some days, even though it may take several days for it to return to normal. Diarrhea should not be continuous. So when it continues for a long time, it is time for a doctor to check out it and see if anything else happens. More details!

Is It a Migraine? Here’s How to Tell

Migraine is a common health issue in Australia, with more than 4.9 million people suffering from it: 71% are women, 86% are of working age. A lot worse than your typical headache, a migraine causes severe throbbing pain commonly described by those affected by it as a pulsing sensation on one side of the head. 


A migraine attack can also vary in intensity, and it can last for an hour to a few days. Some people even have severe migraine attacks that affect their ability to perform activities of daily living.


What’s worse: an attack can happen at any time, and it usually happens in four stages: prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome. Although not everyone experiencing a migraine attack goes through all these stages, it’s vital to learn all about them so you can better manage and prevent things from getting worse.


The four stages of a migraine

These are the four stages of a migraine, most commonly reported from onset through to recovery stages.


Prodrome. This usually happens a day or two before the actual migraine attack, where you may experience warning signs like sudden food cravings, constipation, mood changes, frequent yawning, neck stiffness, and frequent urination. According to research, 60% of people who go through a migraine attack experience these prodrome symptoms that warn them of an impending episode.


Aura. This is the most common stage of a migraine attack because most people experience it before or during an episode. Coming from the nervous system, an aura usually involves your vision, and it can last between 5 to 20 minutes. During an aura, you may see flashes of lights, black dots or wavy lines, have hallucinations, feel weak or numb in the face or even have difficulty speaking.


Attack. A migraine attack can happen suddenly, which lasts from 4 to 72 hours if left untreated. Migraines can also occur frequently or very rarely, and it involves a throbbing pain usually on one side of the head, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to sound, light, and even touch and smell. A migraine attack can get worse with physical activity, and 80% of those who experience it also complain of nausea and even vomit during an episode. Others even faint due to the pain.


Post-drome. After a migraine attack, you may experience post-drome or the feeling of being completely exhausted and confused because of the pain. You may also need to rest since any sudden head movement could bring back the pain.


Many people who experience migraines don’t seek consultation until the attacks occur more often and get worse. But it’s also crucial to have migraine treated before it starts affecting your daily life. Imigran tablets have been proven to be effective against migraine pain. Imigran helps relieve pain in as fast as 30 minutes. So, if you’re experiencing migraine attacks, it would be smart to seek medical consultation to get the proper intervention for your condition before it gets worse.


Sleep Deprivation: What It Does to Your Body

With one in five Australians being affected by a major sleep disorder, it is now considered a major health issue in the country. Although we all lose sleep on some days due to stress, fatigue, and a whole lot of other factors, consistent sleep deprivation often leads to more serious health conditions in the long run. Here’s what happens to your body when you don’t get enough sleep:


  1. You’re at a higher risk for heart problems. According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, getting less than five hours of sleep or more than nine hours of sleep per night can harm your heart health. But if you consistently lack sleep, you put yourself at a higher risk for getting a stroke or developing coronary heart disease. 


  1. You tend to have memory issues. Your brain benefits most when you get enough sleep because it has the opportunity to form connections that allow you to remember and process information easily. But when you lack sleep, you’ll start to notice that it’s harder to understand information and remember things. 


  1. You easily get sick. Lack of sleep depletes your immune system’s ability to fight off illness. This means you can easily get sick if you don’t get enough shut-eye. A study even revealed the link between sleep and your immune system. 


  1. You have a hard time concentrating. Sleep deprivation can mess up your brain’s ability to function. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll notice that it’s harder for you to be creative, solve problems, make decisions, and think straight. When this happens often, your lack of sleep will begin to affect your ability to perform daily activities at work and home.


  1. You have a higher risk for cancer. Lack of sleep is a contributing factor to a lot of other health conditions, including cancer. According to some studies, not getting enough shut-eye could increase your risk of getting breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer.


  1. You’re moodier and emotional. This is a very common consequence of lack of sleep. When you’re deprived of rest, you easily get angry and emotional, and you might not even want to talk to anyone. If sleep deprivation continues, you could also experience anxiety and depression, which could escalate into serious mental health issues.


  1. Your sex drive diminishes. When you lack sleep, you also lose your interest in sex. According to a study, young men who didn’t get enough sleep over one week showed a significant decline in testosterone levels. It also revealed that sleeping for only five hours or less can reduce sex hormone levels by as much as 15%.

Sleep deprivation can be caused by several things. So, if you’re having a hard time getting some shut-eye, you could use some sleeping aids like Circadin to help you get that much-needed rest that will help you avoid these serious health consequences. If you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, consider speaking to your healthcare provider as they can help you understand the cause of these symptoms.